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Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to Create the Best Landing Pages

A ‘Landing Page’ is an integral and important aspect of online marketing and so, getting your landing page right is another medium of the success for your marketing campaigns. A landing page cannot & should not be confused with just any page of a website. It requires a lot of planning on the best way to create and use them effectively for better conversions. In this article, you will get a brief idea on what a landing page is and key areas that you need to focus on while creating them.

Lets’ begin with what exactly is termed as a landing page?

Pure marketing professionals define a landing page as a uniquely customized page that a person is led to on clicking a link that is present in an external source such as a Pay Per Click (PPC) ad or in an email campaign. A landing page, generally, is created to cater to only a specific product or service. The intention behind creating a landing page is to convert the browser into a customer that may purchase or compel him/ her to take some form of action that may eventually result in a sale.

Key areas to focus on while creating a good landing page
When you think of creating a landing page for your product or service, you need to know the answers to these questions before you launch it:

1. What is the product or service that you are offering on the page?
2. Who are your target consumers?
3. What makes your product or service unique and different from the rest?
4. What form of action the visitor needs to do to effectively result in a sale?

Chalking down all your answers to the above questions in brief will help you to promote your product or service in a much effective way. If you have been completely convinced and prepared yourself well with your answers, it will be much easier for you to convince your prospective customers and give your material on the landing page more credibility.

Prompting immediate action

Effective action words play a chief role in directing your visitors to the right pages. These action words will help any person visiting the page on what they should do so that they get what you have offered on the page. All of these action words should lead to an order page or a subscription form for your product or service. Some examples of action words are as follows:

Order Now!
Limited Offer – Buy Today!
Subscribe Today & Get Amazing Discounts!

Placing such action words at the top & bottom of your page will surely attract the attention of your visitor. But the secret to a good landing page is keeping opportunities open for the browser to convert into a customer scattered through out the whole page. See to it that you include such action words spread at strategic places in your content.

Bulleted & short-sentenced content

Though the length of your landing page content can be long or short, it is best to keep the paragraphs and remaining content in your page small. The sentences used in your content should be short and to the point. The best way of putting across your information to the visitor is through bulleted points. Keep your prospects open for further communication, on additional information, from the more analytical visitors.

Flow and arrangement of content

Don’t, ever, confuse your visitor with your content. You don’t want to stress and drive your visitor away. Keep a systematic & logical flow to the content of your landing page. Along with the flow, ensure that you use appropriate headings and also leave enough blank line spaces so that the arrangement of your content is crisp and clear. It should never look tacky and cramped up. You can also use a set of complementing colours to distinguish between different elements in your content.

Proper image usage

Various surveys and studies in eye tracking have shown that the visitors’ eye is first drawn to the images on a page. So, placing the right image at the right place can help in convincing your customer that your product or service is genuine. This doesn’t mean that you fill your landing page with a barrage of images. Limit the amount of images on your landing page. Images along with action words in the form of banners can effectively persuade the customer to take the proper action that will result in a sale.

Authenticity through testimonials

Including 2 to 3 testimonials from current customers on the marketed product or service authenticates it further more. Only include testimonials that are convincing and solid. Providing the full name along with the location & some form of contact, e.g. an email address, of the customer who wrote the testimonial gives it even more credibility rather than just the initials of the person.

Freebies & bonuses

Every prospective customer looks out for a good bargain on their purchase and providing a freebie or a bonus on your landing page can be a real good bargain. By offering a free report or membership or newsletter subscription that may require their email addresses, you open prospects of future sales from careful visitors by building relationships over a period of time. Free items or discounts on the purchase of certain products can tempt the visitor to buy your product or service all the more.

Keywords & Keyphrases in landing pages through PPC Campaigns

If you design a landing page for PPC campaigns, there is an additional essential aspect to consider while creating it – Inclusion of proper Keywords & Keyphrases. Selection of the proper keywords & keyphrases with relevance to your product or service is the first step towards this. The keywords used for the landing page should be the good enough to satisfy your targeted market’s search.

It is a very good idea to include your keyword or keyphrase in your title tag and your Meta description. These are used by search engines to create listings that show up in search results and will help visitors find your page much more easily. If the content of your landing pages satisfy the expectations of your visitors, you have done half the work in converting them to your customers.

Assessment of your landing page

Before launching your landing page, it is always a good idea to get it assessed or tested. You can do this easily by asking some of your friends or colleagues to review the page. Let them check out the page for some time and instead of asking them if they thought the page was ‘good or not’, question them on what they understood of the concept of the message on the page. You have scored well, if the answer that they give matches with your answer of the question ‘What is the product or service that you are offering on the page?’

To wrap it all up…

Your landing page will be the best and give good conversions if you have, successfully, focused on everything relevant that brought people to your page. It has been proven that landing pages are a great medium for information on products or services to your customers. It is an important tool that can surely convert web clicks into your clients. Just put in all your efforts & dedication into it and you are definitely going to enjoy amazing profits!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Raising Your Search Engine Rankings

Search Engine Rankings is the most important in order for your site become visible on searchers. In order to acquire traffic to your website it should be highly ranked enough on the first page of the search engine results. There are many ways in order to achieve high ranking positions in major search engines. Take this few basic steps to raise your sites visibility.

Updates and Original Content

Being updated and adding fresh content to your current site adds benefits and contribute to your SEO campaign. This way you are keeping your potential customers informed. Having your own unique content helps you rank higher in search engines specially in Google cause this is patented as one of the factors in the ranking algorithm of Google.

Web Site URL Structure

Placing you keyword on the URL is known as an effective on page-variables and is vitally important. From usability perspective having rich keyword url, path and file name adds an advantage in order for your contents to rank in Google specially the specified targeted keyword. Another thing, using hyphen is the best way in dividing your phrase in the URL.

Meta Tags

Though this are not being consider as main factors in obtaining high search engine rankings somehow meta tags are consistent method for providing meta document data to user agents, such as search engines. For the description it is recommended that you must keep shorter than 200 characters in order to be robot friendly. You can have 10-15 words in you meta keyword, this keywords are the one which appear in your content.

Use the Right ALT Texts

As search engines can't read images/graphics adding alternate tags in your image can help you in order to have a good rank in Search Engines. In ordinary search result Google display images. This somehow help your site in keyword density.

Link to Related Sites

Linking to content related and quality site is a good way in order to acquire quality backlinks. Through this your site will be a more valuable resource and interesting. This will help your site to gain link popularity with the search engines that will give you a boost. This method also helps you in order to acquire your Page Ranking value in Google. This PR value reflects the value of your website.

Create a Sitemap for Your Website

This is a representation of the architecture of your site. This informs search engines about the pages that are available for crawling and help them to make it easier for indexing every page of your website. Sitemaps are usually written in XML.

Be consistent

This is the best way in order to keep your high rankings in Search Engines. Continually growing your website by providing updates and unique fresh content and continuous link building and promotion will certainly increase your chance to stay and highly ranked by search engines.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Social Networking and Affiliate Marketing

In the world of affiliate marketing, an affiliate marketer’s main aim is to promote his online business, increase his sales and cash big on the profits made. He does this by selling products or services online.

However, for the customers to know of his product he needs to promote it effectively on the net. The customer wouldn’t be able to purchase anything from him if he doesn’t know the existence of the product. Hence, to become a successful affiliate marketer, you need to advertise your products or services through various known online mediums.

Advertising your products or services online may cost you a lot of money and sometimes your returns through these advertising mediums are far lesser than what you have spent. Don’t despair due to any failures as though most advertising mediums require money, there are ways to promote your products or services without the need to spend any money at all. If you are interested, read on to know more one such way…

A sure-shot way of promoting your products or services and not spending a cent on it is to use an advertising medium easily available online for free. Well if you are thinking that it’s some sort of software that you need to download to use, you are wrong. It is a simpler medium than that – it’s the Online Social Networking Websites. Surveys have shown that around 90% of internet users belong to one or more than one social networking sites.

Social networking is the latest in-thing that has created a storm in the online world. Most of these social networking sites use social networks to create personal contacts between individuals. This explosive tool, if used in the correct, can be utilized, effectively, for affiliate marketing. Through social networking sites, you can build credible relations with visitors and contacts. These relations would help you convert them into loyal customers of the products or services you are promoting.

To succeed in this form of marketing, all you need to do is make good use of the massive traffic offered by these networks and exploit it, effectively. These networking sites gain by using the returns that are produced through affiliate marketing. They also profit from your page space for promoting their own products & services or other referral offers.

Social networks are the most recent & popular marketing tool in the marketing world as they give you immense traffic and leads. They can also be directed to the precise niche an affiliate marketer has interest in. This also is a great new way for the affiliate marketer to display his product online. A proficient affiliate marketer understands the potential of these social networking sites and the process of using it to his advantage.

However, smart affiliate marketers know that they have to be careful while using social networking to market their products. They cannot spam advertise while on these sites or else they might get banned. The people responsible behind the creation of such social networking sites can take stringent action against any person spamming the site with numerous useless offers.

It would be a better idea if you understand all the rules and regulations of the social network site before joining it to promote your products, services or business in a better way. You won’t lose anything by doing this and this will also help you more than those who do not follow them. You, definitely, wouldn’t want them to sue you or land behind bars for anything done against the rules.

When you join, don’t directly start promoting your product without knowing the interests of any of your members. It is best to assess the conduct & behaviour of your members and develop an appropriate plan to promote your products based on this.

Not knowing the target audience of the particular social networking group and still going ahead you’re your promotions can be a big mistake as the group may even ban you completely from the group if the promotions are not of their interest.

By abiding by the rules and laws of each social networking site that you join, you will ensure the smooth advertising of your business. A rule follower is much trusted than a rule-breaker and it’s the same in social networks too. Hence, by following the rules, your potential customers will believe you all the more. This will make it easier for you to sell the product or service to the customer.

The more you show your creativity on these sites, the more & better results you will get. It is a part of the huge marketing world.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Future of Online Marketing

Internet has become a basic necessity for every urban household, today. Businesses around the world wouldn’t be able survive for long without this important medium. Over the years, the functionality of this medium has been getting all the more diverse, and it has been just a little over 10 years that Internet came into existence.

Though the Internet is basically a medium of communication, it has also helped in numerous other ways, one of them being online marketing. The online market has flourished over the past 5 years and businesses have reaped good profit but what will be the future of this form of marketing?

With each passing day, there are new developments in the world of Internet marketing or online marketing. Though, we all might think that we have become the professionals or gurus of e-marketing, there is still a lot to learn & know, as this is just the beginning of the Internet Revolution.

The future of online marketing is a hot topic that is doing the rounds, among professional and amateur marketers, with the rapid growth of Internet. This revolution in Internet certainly shows brilliant prospects for the online marketing world, too. With the Internet reaching all nooks and corners of the world, more & more people are getting digitally enlightened and this will definitely result in a boom for any e-commerce.

Today, the online marketing world is a jumble of the good and the bad. Some forms of e-commerce are going to be improved upon while some others will just fade out and make way for newer & better ones.

Banner advertisements and email marketing forms of internet marketing have seen their better days and are no longer worthy to be in the race for the best. The click through rates from banner advertisements are pretty bad and are going further low as more & more people are getting cautious about clicking & being stuck up at sites they don’t want to browse.

Email marketing is facing bigger problems these days as it includes a host of serious problems like spamming, phishing & identity theft issues. With these issues cropping up every other day, it’s no wonder that email marketing laws have become so stringent and there are highly devised filters used by all popular mail providers to stop this form of online marketing.

Among the remaining forms of online marketing that still run the race, are Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The future for search engine optimization is much brighter than that of pay-per-click advertising.

As long as you & I use search engines such as GOOGLE on the net, SEO will flourish. SEO provides free traffic to advertising sites that no other form of online marketing can bring. It’s an easy & cost-free way to draw the common man to your site. Even the legal issues with regards to SEO, is next to nil, as it is too difficult a medium to commit fraud with.

I can’t say the same for the Pay-Per-Click type of advertising. The major issue, currently with this medium, is the cost factor. It might prove to be quite a costly affair with little or no results from it. Another major issue is click fraud. When the reason for the clicker to click the ad is simply to make the advertiser spend money unnecessarily, it is termed as click fraud. According to recent estimates, the percentage of click frauds on PPC advertisements is as high as 40%. A smart businessman wouldn’t want that kind of a loss to his business, now would he?

After all this debate, where do we stand when it comes to the future of online marketing? If we take the above discussed factors into consideration, it would be fair to say that the brightest future in online marketing will be through search engine optimization. It will certainly remain till the end of the race for the best internet marketing methods, maybe even leading it. Though PPC might not be there all the way through, it will remain for quite some time in a modified and upgraded form that will reduce click frauds. There is also a bright future for data publishing. This would be possible through free copyright articles.

Though it isn’t possible for anyone to know the distant future of online marketing, the near future of it surely lies in the combination of these three mediums of internet marketing.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why Affiliate Programs Marketing

Its been a worthwhile to engage with affiliate programs. Why? Because in the sense of almost lot of people who tried affiliate marketing gives them an opportunity to increase their profit through online marketing. Affiliate marketing makes them profitable in their venture for, neither a merchant nor an affiliate. Through affiliate programs, it presents to you a great opportunity to increase revenue and at the same you can build valuable and innovative business relationships among others.

As we all know, affiliate marketing is also an industry name which a number of different types of companies and individuals are able to perform this method of Internet marketing. It includes affiliate networks, affiliate management companies, and in-house affiliate managers, specialized third party vendors, and various types of affiliates network or affiliate publisher websites whom able to promote the products and services of their partners. Affiliate marketing is profitable because you can practice in this concept of Internet marketing the three ways of Internet concept money-earner like Pay-Per-Click, Pay-Per-Sale, and Pay-Per-Lead.

In Pay per click, a certain amount of money can be deposited once a potential customer leaves the affiliate website through clicking the link which lead to the merchant's website. While in Pay per sale, once there was a sale on the product of the merchant, a percentage or a commission is deposited into a certain affiliate account. And about Pay per lead, when a potential customer is registers on the merchant's site which lead of result of the advertisement on the affiliate account, another certain amount is deposited into the affiliate accounts. For many website owners, either individual or a company website, this is another way to earn some extra money for only less effort in dealing with it. But you must do your task to get involve with those affiliate programs. After doing your task in engaging to an affiliate marketing, the affiliate can just sit back and wait for the profits to roll in.

For you to have the best affiliate programs, you must identify the affiliate program that suits on your interest and into the type of product or services you've been able to advertise. Your product must deal on the interest also of every customer. Look for a product which is need by numerous consumers. On this matter, you were able to generate more profit because your product is in demand. Another one is, make sure that the affiliate program you've enter have a wide range of services being offered which is advantage to both of you. An excellent programs make a best flow of setting a guidance in effective business transactions, free web hosting, and website development with the aid of SEO services. And for most important dealing with affiliate programs, make sure that the program you've entered has the capability to pay you well. Of course, we must go into an affiliate programs that able to pay your dues in time and gives you an excellent commission. Look for the structural methods of how they pay you. Make sure that the payment method is transparent to both of you.